Dating For Black Women - 3 Tips For Finding and Keeping Your Man
The goal in dating for black women is usually to find Mr. Right. Granted some women just want to find, have fun and meet people. Whatever your goal is the question still lingers, where are all the good black men? A few years ago some women described a good black man as a bmw (black man working). Obviously it goes beyond that but ladies finding and keeping that good black man is still possible. Though black women face all kinds of issues when it comes to dating the search continues. Women want to know if that man is out there, how do I find him and how do I keep him? That man is out there and here are three things to remember to not just find him but to keep him. Use Technology - In years past finding a man usually involved some type of face to face meeting to get the ball rolling. That could be meeting someone at church or the grocery store. While those are still viable options, today the choices for meeting people go far beyond the local grocery store and the church. You have the abil...