Discipline for Toddlers - How to Teach Your Child to Control His or Her Behavior

So you have a little boxer on your hands, do ya? Don't lie to yourself. Let's face it. We all have to admit that at least once, during the terrible twos, we have dealt with our toddlers aggressive behavior. The victims being us, cats, dogs, siblings, other unsuspecting toddlers, teachers, the elderly neighbor, etc etc. Whoever the victim and no matter the reason, we all need to touch nice. This is a positive behavior that I am going to explain how to instill in your little boxing fool.

Again, let me just say that I know what it is to have a naughty toddler. My daughter went through a phase that consisted of picking up kittens (strangle style). So believe me, you are not alone.

So, now that my "You're Not Alone" disclosure is out of the way, what is wrong with this kid?!?! Are they mentally disabled? Well, in some children that may be the case. But don't worry! Don't jump the gun to therapist! There are things you can do before you get your toddler diagnosed. This may be the phase, and if you are like all other fresh parents, you have been through plenty of those.

The first thing I'd like you to try may take a while for your toddler to absorb. But my motto as a mother is to lead by example, so I'm going to tell you that it is the best option. You might try showing them how to touch nice. There are many ways to do this. Take a baby doll, or a stuffed animal and play a game. "See how mama touches baby? Now you try!" Make it fun. Guide his/her hands to do the right thing.

Part of teaching is explaining. Showing is ineffective without telling them why you're doing what you're doing. "Mama's touching this bear nice because mama loves bear and mama wants bear to touch mama nice." You may think they are looking at you like you're nuts and don't understand. They do. They are just extremely talented at not letting on just how smart they are. Just keep drilling the information and eventually this too shall pass.

This is what you would call a last resort. Time outs. I personally don't think it is fair to stick your kid on time out for doing something wrong, when they don't necessarily know that its wrong. But this may help them see the point. Your toddler will think "Hmm... If I hit my brother, I sit on the chair and I don't get to play. Maybe I should stop hitting my brother." Their thoughts may not be that complicated, but you get the jist of it.


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