Ride on Toys for Kids - How to Make the Best Choice

Let your child have great fun outdoors with a ride on toy. Perfect for children that can't yet ride bikes (as well as those that already can) a ride on toy will give much fun and excitement. Available in a great range of styles, colours and prices, we will help you to find the one that will be right for your child.

The first thing to do is decide which type of ride on toy you are looking for from the three main types;

"Foot on floor" ride-ons allow the child to push themselves along from an early age. This ranges from animals and bugs such as the Hippychick Wheelybug Ladybird, to ride on vehicles like the Little Tikes Cozy Coupe which has been a firm favourite for over 30 years now. Although many of the push along ride on toys are aimed at children aged between 18 months and 3 years of age, many of the kids scooters come in sizes suitable for much older children. It is also possible to get multi-way versions which will grow with your child from as soon as they can toddle along holding on to something. Starting as a walker they then transform into a fun sit on toy. Many also come with a handle for attaching at the rear to allow parents to give a helping hand with the steering and for when those little legs finally get tired..!

Pedal powered vehicles are great for encouraging growing, energy packed youngsters to be active and have fun at the same time. From classic pedal cars such as the Fiat 500 to tractor and trailers like the Rocket Max Tractor, children will spend many hours whizzing along on these great toys. Suitable for children from about 2 years of age upwards, they can be used both indoors and outdoors. As your child gets faster however you may wish to limit them to use in the garden to avoid too many crashes around your house..! The wide range of vehicles in this category will certainly help to stimulate some creative play among youngsters. From playing at farmyards with the tractors and construction with the diggers, these kids pedal vehicles offer more than just racing around.

Battery powered ride on cars must be the ultimate ride on toys for kids. They range in size from single seat electric quad bikes like the Raptor 12V Quad, to top of the range 2 seater jeeps and trucks like the Mamas & Papas Ranger 538 12v Electric Ride On Car. Although some of them may pertain to be all-terrain vehicles, most are best used outside on flat, even ground, with even long grass causing some of the lesser powered models to have trouble. With speeds limited to between 2 and 5mph, your child should never be able to dash away from you at anything greater than a brisk adult walking speed. For added peace of mind most also come with a parental remote control so that if they do get too far away or seem to be heading for danger you can press the brake for them.


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