Dating For Black Women - 3 Tips For Finding and Keeping Your Man

The goal in dating for black women is usually to find Mr. Right. Granted some women just want to find, have fun and meet people. Whatever your goal is the question still lingers, where are all the good black men? A few years ago some women described a good black man as a bmw (black man working). Obviously it goes beyond that but ladies finding and keeping that good black man is still possible. Though black women face all kinds of issues when it comes to dating the search continues. Women want to know if that man is out there, how do I find him and how do I keep him? That man is out there and here are three things to remember to not just find him but to keep him.

Use Technology - In years past finding a man usually involved some type of face to face meeting to get the ball rolling. That could be meeting someone at church or the grocery store. While those are still viable options, today the choices for meeting people go far beyond the local grocery store and the church. You have the ability to sit in your house and meet people from all over the world. Dating for black women now includes the world of online dating. Women are turning to the internet to help in their search for that right guy. Obviously you may need to show a lot more caution should you find and meet someone but it does expand your ability to meet people. The key to dating is being able to connect with people who share your common interests. The internet has not only made that possible but more and more people are connecting everyday. Who knows, that perfect guy may be logging onto their computer right now.

Let go of all the preconceived notions - When you think of the perfect guy sometimes you put a lot of focus on the things that are least important. Some women say, "I only date guys six feet tall and above, I only date guys who are in great shape, If he's not making a certain amount of money I don't want him." In finding the right man you need to let go of these preconceived ideas. Don't get me wrong some things are deal breakers, for example if he has 4 kids from 4 different baby mamas that may be a deal breaker. But are you putting emphasis on the wrong things because you only want that vision you have of the perfect guy. Chances are there may never be a man who lives up to that. Maybe he's a little overweight or not as tall as you like but if your personalities click then he may just be the right one for you. Don't miss out on the perfect gift because you don't like the paper it came wrapped in.

Keep your self-control - When it comes to sex and dating this should never happen on the first date or too early in the dating relationship. Remember your objective is to not just find the good man but to keep him. Sex too early has all the potential to send out the wrong message about yourself. Let's face it men think if I can get it that easily I wonder who else has she done this with. The truth is men don't want to be involved in long term relationships with "easy" women. They may use you for fun but don't think they are ever going to settle down with you. So keep your self control. Don't forget also when it comes to sex women control the situation. Don't let the lusts of your body cause you to do something that you may regret, you may be driving away Mr. Right. By the way if a man leaves you because you won't sleep with him, he never wanted to be with you in the first place.

Dating for black women is both challenging and exciting. The challenge is finding the right man. The excitement is all the different ways that can happen. It has been said the journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step. Your journey could begin today by taking one big step. Turn on your computer, start walking and get ready to meet a lot of wonderful people along the way.


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