Diets That Work For Women Need To Address Emotional Stress

Diets that work for women can be vastly different depending on your needs. Health issues should be your first consideration and not if it is one of the top 10 diets.

Many obstacles get in your way even before you start a diet. For example, many cultures use food as the centerpiece for celebrations and social gatherings.

This is a big hurdle because you are drawn to these festive activities and it's next to impossible to say no to the great foods your family and friends make.

Diets that work for women aren't necessarily ones your family wants to be on. Can you imagine having dinner with only vegetables? Unless your family eats like this all the time, you'll have a mutiny on your hands.

An easy weight loss diet is filled with land mines waiting to sabotage you. Think of the everyday situations you have to deal with before you can even eat sensibly to lose weight:

    Mama's specialty dish every Sunday
    A family that is mad that they have to follow your DIET
    Social nibbling at parties
    Fast food because your family loves it
    Pressure at work
    Marital disagreements
    Financial woes
    Hormones and weight gain in your 40's

Diets that work for women can be accomplished if you outline specific steps that you will follow. Here are 10 RULES that can help you reach your weight loss goal:

    Rule 1: Find desperately needed "me time" by identifying the times you are wasting during the day so you steal back quality time for you (TV, phone and texting, making multiple trips to the store, etc.)
    Rule 2: Buy a journal or diary and write everything you ate for a week, how you were feeling and if you were hungry or just eating because of emotional stress
    Rule 3: Start doing most of your shopping at a farmer's market. There's less temptation to buy junk food.
    Rule 4: Get your kids involved with the cooking process. Let them pick out fruits and vegetables they want to cook for dinner.
    Rule 5: The "Celebration" excuse is no excuse for eating bad food.
    Rule 6: Ultimately you are the role model for your family. Do you really want to lead the way by eating junk food all the time?
    Rule 7: Use an approach I call "Bad, Better, Best". Start eliminating foods one at a time and begin eating healthier foods you will enjoy.
    Rule 8: Pick a diet you will like and find foods that keep you HAPPY, HAPPY!
    Rule 9: There's always a way out of your current situation.
    Rule 10: Don't get tricked into thinking you can lose 30 pounds in 30 days. That's extreme.

This is part of the strategy for diets that work for women. Convincing your family to eat right starts with you. Get them involved with the shopping and cooking process so they become part of the solution.


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