Little Pim DVDs - Small Kids Learn Chinese Phrases on Their Daily Activities

Little Pim is a 3-piece DVD set especially designed for the small kids audience. The DVDs teach the children words and phrases about waking, eating and playing. Little Pim's series includes Eating and Drinking (DVD 1), Wake Up Smiling (DVD 2), and Playtime (DVD 3).

Little Pim DVDs are very useful for little children to learn to Chinese. A lot of learning-Chinese DVDs for children focus on individual words for children, like colors and numbers. Little Pim DVDs also feature these words, plus more. Little Pim teaches action phrases that small children use in daily life, such as "I am playing," "One more time?" "Mama is sleeping," and more. Compared to other learn-Chinese videos, Little Pim has a practical approach for little children to learn Chinese. Besides useful action words, it is laudable that Little Pim also teaches self care phrases like "She is combing her hair," and "She is brushing her teeth." It also teaches Chinese for safety phrases, like "Be careful, that is hot."

There are several online Chinese bookstores for children offering Learn-Chinese materials, Little Pim individual DVDs and Little Pim Bundle Set of 3 DVDs. Buyers can get up to $25 off when they get the bundle. Little Pim DVDs also has a Pinyin Companion Guide for each DVD, to help parents and teachers note the Chinese words and phrases featured in the DVDs.

The Little Pim series is primarily for children who are learning Chinese as a second language. Parents can also use these programs to enhance their young child's verbal skills, even if his or her first language is Chinese. Little Pim was created in response to scientific proof that the human brain is most receptive to learning new languages during early childhood. Little Pim was released in 2007, produced by a mother-award winning film maker Julia Pimsleur Levine.


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