Camping With Bears and Young Children - Tips on Avoiding Bear Encounters While Camping With Kids
I recently traveled to Yellowstone National Park and the Grand Tetons with my family a couple of months ago. It was still snowing and cold when we arrived, and the Grizzly Bear activity was just beginning with the first few sightings occurring the weekend we arrived. Having been a National Park Ranger for two seasons, I was aware of the dangers and preventative measures that must be taken when co-habituating with bears. I had my own face to face encounters with Black Bears on a couple of occasions as a Park Ranger in the back country, and was fortunate enough to be able to walk away unscathed. I was instantly terrified of this incredible beast, and suddenly inspired to learn everything I could about bears, including how to track them, their behaviors, and most of all, how to protect myself from an attack. During my first season, I worked with a Park Ranger who had previously been a Park Ranger at Glacier National Park in Montana. He was a big burly man and had several deep scars on h...